Original topic:

Samsung DeX Issues on tablet

(Topic created: 05-25-2024 08:52 AM)

First off, I appreciate all the work that is put into the DeX environment by the Samsung team(s). Introducing a new DeX mode is pretty nifty! 

That said, PLEASE don't ever remove the Classic mode, or at least the organisational features. I much prefer the sleek desktop icon feel offered by the classic mode over the tablet widget look of the "New" mode. I gave the New look a try, however there were a few things that disuaded me from it's continued use (some of which unfortunately bled over into the classic mode, which I'm really hoping can be fixed):


Wasted Screen Real Estate in New DeX Mode

There is a lot of wasted screen space in the new mode. I realise that quite a few folks use external screens for DeX, but not everyone does (I certainly don't). Even then, in mirror mode, the /same/ unusable space would be present, albeit presented on a larger area. Specifically in new mode, hiding the taskbar is a royal pain. Instead of having to double click to hide  the taskbar, why not automatically hide it? When full screening a window, it becomes overly-cumbersome having to double click the taskbar (which sometimes hides, and sometimes doesn't) just to acccess the content that lies under it. Furthermore, if you move the mouse just a litte, the taskbar reappears.

The same occurs at the top of the screen; there is a small upper margin (roughly the depth of the notch) where the date appears. I get that this is suppoosed to be a cross between tablet and desktop environment, but this is truly wasted space, if it's permanently up there. Can this not be included in the "pull down" notifications menu instead, or made to auto collapse after a certain amount of time? 

Additionally in full screen mode for a window, the rather wide window control bar (which is about twice the height of the system notification/date bar) is constantly present. Between the ever present taskbar and upper margin, we're looking about ~5x the height of the system notification/date bar in lost space. This unusable screen space invalidates the New DeX mode as a useful consideration for me. There are amazing pluses to the New mode, don't get me wrong, but considering that I use the S9 Ultra for it's large screen, it seems counterintuitive to create a desktop environment that doesn't maximise its use.

See screenshot for additional clarity

[SCREENSHOT] 02-Jan-2024 DeX New Wasted Space.jpg

Note, if this is truly the intended behaviour for the New look, then please please PLEASE I beg of you, don't remove the Classic DeX option!!


Dead Space on Classic DeX Mode

I think that this might have been some bleed over from introducing New DeX mode, since I didn't experience this before. When using /any/ app in full screen mode, the space that would have been occupied by the window control bar is effectively deadened. Even though the window control bar auto-hides, I am now unable to select any field that lies under that space. This is particularly frustrating when using websites that have search fields in that area, as I can't click there with my mouse cursor (see screenshot). If at all possible, please address this as it only started with the recent addition of the New Dex Mode (or at least that's when I noticed it.. I could be totally off base with that timing).

[SCREENSHOT] 02-Jan-2024 Control Bar DeX Classic.jpg[SCREENSHOT] 02-Jan-2024 Dead Area DeX Classic.jpg



Samsung S9 Ultra

Android Version: 14

One UI Version: 6.0

17 Replies
Dan Hoang

I am experiencing the same issue using all the fullscreen apps.

Now i have to open Parsec or Microsoft RD Client in windowed mode. Dead space on Samsung Dex makes me annoyed.

Please fix this bug as soon as possible.


Can confirm, have the same issue. This is a usage breaking issue for me as I use Dex to remote into other PCs using VMWare. Samsung, please fix ASAP. Otherwise, I will have to dump my Samsung Galaxy Tab and move on to some other device (not Samsung).


Same problem here, affecting termux X11 session into Dex

100% this. I use termux on a regular basis for work and experience the same!

I can't stress enough just how annoying this bug is.

I often use a Linux VM installed through Termux/Andronix on my S8+ tablet, and it just renders me unable to close/minimize with any of fullscreen windows inside the VM, forcing me to minimize the VNC application itself in order to take any actions.

A lot of buttons regularly get blocked with this bug in other applications too, Youtube bugs out after going in fullscreen, etc.

I really hope this gets a fix atleast in 6.1 update, but I'd rather somehow revert to 5.1.1 until it comes out. Or we need to bring more attention to this bug for the devs to notice.


Same here


I'm on a s8 ultra and have the same issue trying to use clip studio paint. Unusable now because all the main feature are in the top bar. Please Samsung fix this !


I'm happy to report that the dead space problem has been largely resolved in One UI 6.1 on my Tab S8+. I say largely resolved because you can now click on stuff after the title bar disappears, but there are still some poorly coded apps (*cough* Discord *cough*) that don't know how to stay within the window's boundaries. I guess having some kind of setting for title bar auto-hide would be cool (per-app even?).

New Dex mode meanwhile hasn't been touched, it remains as impractical as ever.