Original topic:

Mass text converted to Group Chat

(Topic created: a week ago)
Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile

I have had a text conversation with two other people for some time.

I wanted to send them a text, but when I accessed the text thread/conversation:

- there is no history of any previous texts,

- it states "Group Chat" at the top (rather than "Mass Text", as previously), and

- it states that I'm the Group leader.

I have accessed the appropriate Samsung Message App Settings in my phone, but can't see what I may have changed/pressed that converted this particular Mass Text to a Group Chat.

I looked for a solution using the Samsung Community and Google, but couldn't find anything about conversions.

Note:  I still have several Mass Text conversations that only have 2 other recepients (a total of 3, including me), so this seems to be an isolated case.

7 Replies
Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile

Are you using Samsung Messages or Google Messages?  In Google Messages, you have to go into the message app, click on your avatar (initial) and go to messages settings.  Then go to advanced and the first item is Group Messaging. Click that and a pop-up shows your choices to do mass text or group message. Check the one want.  I don't know if it will revert already started messages.

In Samsung Messages, go into the app, click the 3 dots upper right, select settings, select more settings, select multimedia messages and slide off group conversation.  Also don't know if those will revert to mass text or it occurs going forward.

Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile

I read a similar solution that you provided in another thread. The problem with your solution is that when you slide off group conversation, when somebody replies to a text it only goes to the sender not to the entire group.

Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile

Thank you for offering your proposed solution.

I failed to include in my previous response to your post, can you tell me why a Mass text was converted to a Group chat?  That is at the core of the issue since I can't seem to convert the conversation back to a Mass text.

Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile
I don't know the answer to that, might have somthing to do with updates. Updates are not supposed to change settings, but sometimes they relocate settings and then it gets switched back to default values.
Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile
It seems to me that both messaging apps should have a setting to select which conversations you want as a group chat or mass text, not make it one or the other.
Cosmic Ray

The odd thing is that the mass text thread is completely gone now that it is a group chat.  I have no history of our previous texts between the three of us.  This is why I was hoping to learn how to convert it from a group chat back to a mass text...to recover the old texts.

Also, to my knowledge, it's the only mass text thread that was converted.  Learning the answer how to convert it back will help if I encounter the situation again with another mass text thread.

Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile

The only thing I can think of is since mass texts garner individual replies to the sender, they may be in your messages as individual conversations. Check to see if you are having conversations with anyone in that mass text list and see if any if the historical texts are there.