Original topic:

Buds 3 pro delayed touch controls

(Topic created: Sunday)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
 I’ve really enjoyed using my Galaxy Buds3 Pro, and most of the minor issues I’ve experienced have resolved over time. However, there’s one thing that still stands out: the delay when switching between Ambient Mode and Noise Cancelling. I have to pinch and hold the earbuds for about 3-4 seconds before they switch modes, which feels like too long. It makes the buds seem unresponsive to touch controls, and I often end up holding them longer than I’d like. It would be much better if the response time could be faster and more sensitive to touch. This would make the whole experience feel smoother and more intuitive. Overall, I’m happy with the earbuds, but a quicker response would really improve the usability. 
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