Original topic:

Screen Calibration

(Topic created: 06-23-2020 12:49 AM)
Galaxy Note Phones

So tonight I did a software update on my Note 9 and when the update was over, my screen looked like it was zoomed in and positioned in the upper left corner. Whats weird is all the button mapping on the screen is the same, so it is hard to navigate. I rest my phone twice since this update but it has not helped or changed the issue at all. I have insurance on the phone so I might just go to the store in the morning and get it replaced. If anyone has any solutions it would be appreciated. I will be sure to update if I find any solutions. 

10 Replies
Galaxy Note Phones

I have the same issue. Keys are also unresponsive. You have to guess where the keys may be. I don't think getting a new note 9 would solve the problem. This stupid update will ruin that phone too. I tried a soft reset and I also was able to put the phone in safe mode. I still have the same problem. I'm hoping Samsung sends an update quick tobto fix the problem because I may finally make the switch to an iPhone.