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06:29 AM
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Can someone please tell me how to change old voicemail
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‎05-21-2023 07:01 AM in
Galaxy S21The process of changing your voicemail depends on your phone service provider and the type of phone you have. However, I can provide you with some general instructions that may help you change your voicemail. Please note that these instructions may not be applicable to all phone models or service providers. It's always recommended to consult your phone's user manual or contact your service provider for specific instructions.
Dial your voicemail: On most phones, you can access your voicemail by pressing and holding the voicemail button or by dialing your own phone number and then pressing the voicemail option.
Enter your voicemail password: If you have set up a voicemail password in the past, you will be prompted to enter it. If you haven't set up a password or don't remember it, you may need to contact your service provider for assistance.
Access voicemail settings: Once you are in your voicemail menu, there should be an option to access your voicemail settings. Look for options like "Settings," "Options," or "Preferences" within the voicemail menu.
Change your voicemail greeting: Within the voicemail settings, there should be an option to change your voicemail greeting. It may be labeled as "Greeting" or "Personal Greeting." Select this option and follow the prompts to record a new voicemail greeting. Some phones may allow you to select a pre-recorded greeting instead.
Save your changes: After recording your new voicemail greeting, save your changes by following the prompts or pressing the appropriate button on your phone. The voicemail system will typically confirm that your new greeting has been saved.
Remember, these instructions are general, and the actual steps may vary depending on your phone model and service provider. If you're having trouble changing your voicemail, it's best to consult your phone's user manual or contact your service provider for specific instructions tailored to your device and service.
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‎05-21-2023 07:01 AM in
Galaxy S21The process of changing your voicemail depends on your phone service provider and the type of phone you have. However, I can provide you with some general instructions that may help you change your voicemail. Please note that these instructions may not be applicable to all phone models or service providers. It's always recommended to consult your phone's user manual or contact your service provider for specific instructions.
Dial your voicemail: On most phones, you can access your voicemail by pressing and holding the voicemail button or by dialing your own phone number and then pressing the voicemail option.
Enter your voicemail password: If you have set up a voicemail password in the past, you will be prompted to enter it. If you haven't set up a password or don't remember it, you may need to contact your service provider for assistance.
Access voicemail settings: Once you are in your voicemail menu, there should be an option to access your voicemail settings. Look for options like "Settings," "Options," or "Preferences" within the voicemail menu.
Change your voicemail greeting: Within the voicemail settings, there should be an option to change your voicemail greeting. It may be labeled as "Greeting" or "Personal Greeting." Select this option and follow the prompts to record a new voicemail greeting. Some phones may allow you to select a pre-recorded greeting instead.
Save your changes: After recording your new voicemail greeting, save your changes by following the prompts or pressing the appropriate button on your phone. The voicemail system will typically confirm that your new greeting has been saved.
Remember, these instructions are general, and the actual steps may vary depending on your phone model and service provider. If you're having trouble changing your voicemail, it's best to consult your phone's user manual or contact your service provider for specific instructions tailored to your device and service.