Original topic:

I would like to reposition the App Drawer Icon

(Topic created: 08-16-2022 08:33 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S21

I have asked about this before as to why you can't reposition the app drawer button on the Galaxy S21. I would really like to have it in the middle instead of the side of the screen. My daughter in law has I believe an A32 that allows the button to be moved. It would be nice to be able to move it on my S21 too. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S21

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.