Original topic:

Galaxy S22 Speaker Distortion and Crackling

(Topic created: 05-16-2022 10:29 AM)
Galaxy S22
If you are having speaker crackling coming from both speakers and you're within your return window, RETURN YOUR PHONE and buy a new one. Hopefully you get one from a new batch that was built right.

Info only:
I pre-ordered early and got my s22 around Feb 23rd. In colder weather, playing any audio through the speakers sounds like they're blown out. Sounds terrible. Some other members have the same problem and said that pressing down on the screen firmly would make it sound normal. As soon as pressure is removed, it goes back to crackling. In warm weather, speakers are fine. 

After calling Samsung support 4 different times, they came up with no solutions except to send the phone in for evaluation and repair. I told them that it's my only phone and I'm not wanting a "repaired" device but a new one. Repaired devices are never as good as factory originals and since I keep my phone's for 3+ yrs, I need one that's gonna last like my s8 active did. 

It's unacceptable that after spending so much money on a flagship product, we receive something that fails quality control. I'm still within my 15 day return window and will be sending it back. Already purchased a replacement myself hoping its from a different batch. 
51 Replies
Galaxy S22

Count me as one of the individuals experiencing the speaker distortion on my S22+. I got my phone from AT&T less than two weeks ago. I will be going for a return today, but wanted to share some gathered data.

After searching various Internet forums, the problem is not isolated to a few phones. It is fairly widespread. I'm hoping it doesn't affect all S22 phones, but it does seem to be a design flaw. The sealed phone is susceptible to internal pressure changes via temperature or actual pressure (airplane flights, etc), and this causes the distortion on the speaker. This is a hardware problem, and I don't think a software fix will be possible. 

Ejecting the Sim card works to equalize pressure, and the distortion problem will temporarily be fixed.

One thing I noticed today was that I had not removed the protective plastic from the edges of the phone. This plastic covered a spot on the right edge of the phone that resembles a location that an SD slot would have been added. It is an indentation on the side of the phone. My hope is that it's some type of pressure equalizing "valve", and the protective plastic was preventing it from working. This is a complete guess on my part, and not confirmed by Samsung or online sources. 

You can check your own phone by cooling it off and then playing a song or ringtone. If it is distorted, you'll definitely be able to hear it. Phone calls are also affected.

I hope Samsung is actively investigating this and that they release a statement soon. They're losing a lot of trust right now.

Black Hole
Galaxy S22

does it show the same behavior in safe mode? 

take it to the nearest service center if you think it's a hardware issue

or submit an error report after replicating the issue

Samsung Members app > Get help > Send feedback > Error reports

Galaxy S22
It'd be intriguing if you're proven right about the purpose of that spot/indentation in the right edge. Would make me wonder how many phone cases have accounted for it and were designed to leave that spot exposed (not my Spigen case).
Galaxy S22



Please fix the crackling speaker problem. It mostly happens after a call and this also affect bluetooth audio. 


When are you fixing it? Or how you fix it?


Galaxy S22
Since it's happening over Bluetooth and the phone speakers, I would check your equalizer settings. Make sure it's on "Normal". If other settings, especially "Custom" can peak voices causing a cracking or scratching sound.
Galaxy S22

It is very random and its likely a software problem cos after a restart it is OK or if I turn down the volume and up again its OK.


Galaxy S22
On occasion, while making a call there is a loud crackling sound from the ear speaker that makes you believe the speaker is busted. Since new. I thought one of the updates would solve the situation. Not so, to this date. Hopefully the June update will address that bug. Anyone else is experiencing this issue? 
Galaxy S22
Being an S22, you should still be in warranty as long as there is no physical damage to the device. If you take the device to a local Samsung authorized repair center, your speaker should be covered if you have no moisture or physical samage.
Galaxy S22
I'm having the same issue with my s22 , crackling sound gets so annoying and not being able to hear the person I have contacted over the crackling sound....I have to disconnect my call and keep trying a call back and or keep restarting my phone until it clears as it being my only phone this is totally unacceptable especially for an $800 phone. This is one several issues with my s22 which I have only owned 4 just shy of two months. I am seriously so done with making payments on an expensive phone that doesn't even come close to living up to its potential. I fully expect Samsung to be accountable and come up with a solution that is not going to cost me or where I lose money. I have had three Galaxy phones in the past 2 years anarchism where I have had problems oh, silly me for keeping with it I do expect to hear from S. amsung what does solution or like I should have done already I'm going back to the iPhone
Black Hole
Galaxy S22

which carrier? 

Submit an error report when it happens again
Samsung Members app > Get help > Send feedback > Error reports