Original topic:

MMS Error: Network Error Occurred

(Topic created: 06-04-2024 10:18 AM)
Galaxy S23

Creating a new post for this because I've tried every possible troubleshooting I've seen online and can't seem to find a resolution. I used to have this issue with my previous phone (S20), but it did not happen very frequently, so I didn't bother much. But ever since I switched to my S23 Ultra, it's been happening pretty much every day. Now I also do group texts a lot more often than I did before, so maybe I am just now starting to suffer from this issue to the point of creating this post.

Pretty much the issue is whenever a group text comes through, several messages will come to me individually from the person that sent it in the group, and they will come as a "No subject" message with a download button. When I hit download, it loads for a bit and then it just displays "Error: Network error occurred", and the message just doesn't download. So basically people in the group have been texting back and forth, and I don't receive any of the messages. It's been very frustrating lately, and I'm just missing a bunch of text messages.

It usually does not happen as often if someone is texting me individually, but it happens on group texts all the time. Any solutions??

13 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy S23
Are there iPhones in these group texts?

A lot of people are having problems with iPhones and group texts. The problems come from Iphones, not Android
Galaxy S23

Several iPhones in the group, and I originally thought it was an iPhone issue, but it's not. Because a friend of mine that has an Android texted me a couple days ago and the same issue happened. It's definitely less common with Androids though.

And even if it was an iPhone issue, Androids are the only ones being affected and not receiving/sending the messages. iPhones are receiving messages just fine, and the majority of phones in the United States are iPhones. So to them, we are the issue since we cannot communicate with them in text groups. It's been a real pain.

The curious thing is I have a friend with a Pixel phone, and he has never had this issue. And he's in a lot of the text groups that I am in. So it appears to be an issue with Samsung phones.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S23
What messaging app are you using?
Galaxy S23

I used to use the standard Samsung Messages. Then someone recommended the Google Messages app to see if it would fix it. But both have the same issue, the only difference is that the Google Messages app shows the messages as "Not Available" instead of the standard "No Subject" error.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S23
Have you enabled chat features in Google Messages?
Galaxy S23

I believe that was one of the troubleshooting steps I've done in the past. And chat features is not a problem, because sometimes the messages will come through just fine, and other times they will not. It's just one of those issues that happens sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't, even within the same day. Sometimes in the morning they will come through, and then in the afternoon I'm getting all these error messages again. It's just bizarre...

Neutron Star
Galaxy S23

I usually have that problem when I'm not on mobile data -- like when I'm on wi-fi calling when I'm shipboard and have my phone in airplane mode.  It doesn't annoy me because anyone sending me MMS isn't sending me anything important. I realize that's not the case with everyone else.  Does your phone automatically switch to wi-fi calling mode when you are on a wi-fi network?  Mine does, even though I have mobile preferred checked and have a very strong T-Mobile signal in the house. So, it might actually be something about the wi-fi and MMS.

Galaxy S23

I switched that up at one point as well, and it didn't help. I've done all the troubleshooting imaginable that is available online, and also went through customer support with both T-mobile and Samsung, and nothing. I know friends that have the Pixel 8 and use T-mobile in the same area as me, and they don't have this issue. So it has to be Samsung related... but the customer support refuses to acknowledge that and keeps kicking the can down the road. This issue is widespread and you can find hundreds of complaints online, and still no resolution.

Galaxy S23

Having the same issue and so is my husband, and we have been trying all the suggested fixes as well. It seems to be a recent widespread problem with Samsung phones.