Original topic:

Prices on Themes have went up

(Topic created: 11-19-2024 02:07 PM)
Galaxy S23

Has everyone noticed the prices have gone up on the themes I like to change mine all the time but for 3$ a pop what the **bleep**

4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Theme pricing is up to the developers of said theme. There are many nice free ones you can try. So, four options here...1) reuse themes you've already purchased, 2) search for and use free themes, 3) pay the higher prices but buy less themes, or 4) don't change your themes so often. $3 for a theme seems like a bargain considering the time spent designing and coding the theme.
Galaxy S23
"$3 for a theme seems like a bargain considering the time spent designing and coding the theme." <- This part. People just don't get it.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
People think everything related to software should be free, for some reason. Probably due to early computing, where there was a lot of shareware and freeware.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
One of the things I've noticed about themes is that many of them are pretty generic. What I mean is, there is a set template you are given to create themes. Instead of making custom themes from that template, many designers just keep the generic template format and only change colors and wallpapers and maybe icons. Then they place them in the theme store, if they get approved, and turn around and try to sell those themes for $2-$3 each. Verses those designers who do actually take the time to create custom themes were almost every element is custom designed. From the lock screen, to the home page, messages, keyboard, notification, calculator, icons, etc. I can understand those designers prices. They actually make since. It's like taking a piece of wood and telling someone to make something out of it, and instead of being creative, they just spray some paint on it, tie a bow around it and try to sell it to you for $20. šŸ˜‚ Verses, someone who takes the time to carve something out of that wood and give it detail and hand paint it and then charge you the same $20. Which would you think is more reasonable?