Original topic:

Battery not lasting and getting worse

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Red Giant
Galaxy Watch

I've always gotten about 2 days 8 to 15 hours, I've changed nothing, last week each day we've from2 days 6 hours up to 2 days 15 hours then progressively started to go down, this morning after charging it's 22 hours, I've restarted 2x already and keeps getting worse, any suggestions?

3 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy Watch

Been happening to me since November 2023. It's especially bad when the watch is on remote connection or standalone and disconnected from my phone. I don't understand it and haven't found a fix for it, despite inquiring many times on here.  But, for me anyway, I don't think it's much of a big deal since I charge my watch every morning anyway, and just keep the BT connection to the phone as much as possible.  As long as I can get through the night, I'm good. I think, again for me personally, that if I relied on my battery lasting a couple of days, I'd probably forget to charge it anyway until it gave the low battery warning (and that would be at the most inconvenient time). I do carry a power bank specifically for the watch, in case I have to charge it while away from home.

Red Giant
Galaxy Watch
It's not a problem for me either, I put it on the charger every morning, just wondering why it keeps happening.
Neutron Star
Galaxy Watch

Join the club. I've been wondering and trying to solve the mystery since November. We are not alone in our frustration, there are several other posts on it.

I originally thought, because it's a watch 4 and in constant use for the past 2.5 years, that the battery was weakening, but diagnostics says it's fine.  The battery drain coincided with the switch from my S10 lite to my A54, but switching phones shouldn't have anything to do with it. I think I narrowed it down to the new method of remote access.  On Android 13/OneUI 5.0, remote connection (out of BT range) would occur via direct wi-fi. On Android 14/OneUI 6.0/6.1, the remote connection now occurs by wi-fi connection to Google cloud services and then back to the watch.  I think that perhaps this somehow uses more energy.  I had not changed my watch usage patterns or made any other changes to my watch other than transferring it to a new phone.

I used to be able to leave my phone in the house and go on my fitness walk, using my watch in standalone mode, connected to ear buds and playing music with very little loss of battery life.  Now, even without anything connected, or music playing, battery drops 5-10% in 10 minutes if I take the same walk.

I don't know if things would be better if I upgraded my watch, but I don't see a reason to do so, since I have a perfectly good working watch with no other issue besides that one. And, if it turns out to be the same, then I wasted my money.