Original topic:

Samsung SM-R940 Watch 6: Heart rate issue

(Topic created: Saturday)
Galaxy Watch

A few days ago, my watch started logging strange heart rate entries.    Most of the time it is correct, but sometimes the heart rate LEDs appear to stay on a much longer time and the rate display changes about once a second (versus after the LED sequence completes).   During this time, the reported rate is much higher than the actual heart rate.   I noticed this when viewing the histogram that is produced and observing a much broader (taller line) range than normal over long periods of time.

Did my watch break?  Or was there a software update that changed things?


2 Replies
Galaxy Watch

I forgot to mention that the Setting is set to measure heart rate once every 10 minutes...

Galaxy Watch
I too have a problem with the HR numbers. I have mine set at Measure Continuously. I also posted about it, in great hopes that Samsung will take care of these matters for us... this is what I wrote:

To Samsung,

I am a fitness professional of 44 years. My stats means a lot to me and I reply on them from various ways.  I love that you have the manual feature for Users to monitor their own RHR. When you allow the app to take the RHR, it is too high and 99.9% of the time it is NOT when one is at rest!  

I measure my HR when I wake up and before getting out of bed or when I wake up in the middle of the night, I take the measurements a few times. YOU take the reading at ANY given hour of the day or night... while I am exercising, drinking my coffee or running around!! That is NKT accurate at all!

PLEASE bring back the feature of allowing Users to take it manually and use those numbers to calculate the overall reading!