Original topic:

Blu-ray player power cycling whenever plugged in

(Topic created: 06-17-2020 01:28 PM)
Home Theater

...it was working fine last night.

2,664 Replies
Home Theater

Well, I'm in Mexico and I have the same problem so...

Home Theater

Same here in ol' Virginia. Hopefully, they will have a fix soon!

Home Theater

My Samsung home theater is doing the same thing. 

Started this morning.


Home Theater

I am also having this issue since yesterday June 18, 2020,. I am in Canada. I've tried contacting support and they were not aware of the issue. I showed them this thread and the only smart thing they could tell me was that it must be unrelated since this is a US website and I am based in Canada.  Clearly it's a global problem. They asked me if it was still under warranty. They also asked me to resert the device through the main menu (ignoring the fact that I kept repeating the menus were not accessible), and they told me to try and update the device once more (again, ignoring that the machine does not stay turned on, and that the updates are automatic through wi-fi). I ended up writing a written complaint, which I suggest everyone do. If there is no responses soon from Samsung ackowledging problem and a fix this will likely need to be escalated as the issue is to widespread.

Home Theater

I'm in Canada too and its the same thing with our J5700. Our units are the same Region 1 units as the US got but something tells me they will try and tell Canadians we are out of luck. Same thing happened with a recall on our Honda.

Cosmic Ray
Home Theater

I saw a few people say Samsung will be getting this fixed in a few days. 


I don't know what to do (nervous chuckle). 


Do we wait until we see something here or wait a few days and plug it back in?  Should we leave it plugged in and wait and let it keep cycling?  

Cosmic Ray
Home Theater

There can be no easy repair to this problem, the software needs to be upgraded or down graded, and this can not happen while the machine is cycling. To fix these bricked machines will require that the internal flash be accessed through the mainboard, or possibly removed, and replaced, not a cheap fix. They will probably offer a small credit towards the pruchase of a new Samsung product, which, for me, is unacceptable.


My first contact with customer service was quick to point out that I was out of warranty, thankfully I was already aware of the issue, unlike many others who think that their player just got old and needs replacing.


I am in Canada too, and am using a BD-J5700, that I picked up at Costco for $99, and I want it fixed. Consumer protection laws here will be on my side. I will give Samsung a few days to get this figured out, the guy on the customer support chat asked for a couple of days, so I will. If the issue is not resolved to my satisfaction early next week, I will take the gloves off.

Home Theater

Contacted Samsung and they sent me this message.

"Sorry you had to experience this, there is nothing wrong with your Blu-Ray player. It is caused by an update from Samsung, which will be fixed by Samsung technical team as soon as possible. Kindly wait for a day or two for the issue to be resolved. Again, I truly apologize for the inconvenience. (Please unplug it for now, then check it every 6 hours and keep it plugged for a few minutes so the blu ray will receive the update.)"

Home Theater

I got two BD-JM57/ZA players here. both started the power on/off issue at same time 6/17/2020.

Both were plugged into AC mains through their own independent  APC ups units so was not a power inturuption or surge issue.

I tried unplug one of them for 24 hours did not resolve problem.

I tired holding eject button down for 8 secs, 15 secs, 32 secs, still cycling on/off.

can't as of yet get it to stay on long enough to even access any menu.

I hope Samsung technical support can find a way to resolve this. 

From what I am seeing online, it looks like it may be a global issue? I am in Hawaii


Home Theater

I am in the US and as of 10pm central time last night (6/18), the player is doing the infinite loop too. The main menu flashes for 1 second and then black and then repeat. The buttons do not work on the player. The only button that works on the remote is the eject button. I am unable to do a reset. I contacted Samsung chat and he said they are not aware of any problem. Hopefully Samsung will come up with a fix soon.