Original topic:

Range NX60A6511SS/AA Propane not consistent on baking temp

(Topic created: 11-29-2023 11:52 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

We believe our new propane range has preheat and cooking temp issues. I used the calibration method in the manuals with a store bought oven thermometer to get the oven as close as possible. But when preheating the oven, it always preheats to 20-30 degrees above the desired temp. We have to wait for the oven to cool down for ten minutes after the preheat chime sounds. Example: set the oven for 400. Chime goes off and look at internal thermometer. It says 425. Have to wait and monitor that thermometer until it stabilizes at 400. Will the oven always preheat to a temp higher than the desired temp and cool down to stabilize?

1 Reply
Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Kitchen and Family Hub

Typically, ranges will cycle between temperatures to keep the oven stabilized at the degree you set it to. The set temperature is an average of temperatures in the cycles. If the oven did not cycle off, the temperature would continue to rise, which could overheat the oven or burn food. This cycle method also helps save energy. The following link explains this a bit more in-depth as well as provides troubleshooting steps for if you do have temperature issues in the future: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01204529/


In the event you do experience temperature issues and have done the troubleshooting suggested via the link, service is recommended.

Please feel free to contact us directly using any contact method listed below if needed in this regard:

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Calling into Samsung directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864)


Use the following link to locate a service center near you:   https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/locations/

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