Original topic:

What version of Samsung Magician actually works for T7 touch and windows 10.

(Topic created: Wednesday)
Monitors and Memory

FFS what absolute garbage the hardware and software is. I've used this thing twice. I bought it from Samsung. If it was obsolete you shouldn't be selling it on your website as a new retail product. Anyway magician 8.1.0 will eventually run on this computer but just it can't get information on the drive. The included portable SSD software which did work the first couple of times I used it will let me unlock the drive with a fingerprint but then says there's no drive connected when there's a drive connected. Whatever, which version of magician actually works?

1 Reply
Monitors and Memory

Hello Kzbd,

I hope this isn't causing you too much frustration, there's probably some setting issue within windows.
Are you able to provide a picture of the information shown in Samsung Magician 8.1.0 when you have the Samsung T7 touch connected to your windows 10 PC?

Samsung Magician 8.1.0 is fully compatible with windows 10 and 11. The Samsung Magician 8.1 works with all of the portable SSDs, including the T5, the Samsung T7 and the Samsung T9 SSDs. I myself have several of these drives working with Samsung Magician right now and I am also using windows 10.