Original topic:

1,047 STILL owed to me from Samsung Q60T Warranty Claim not being handled

(Topic created: 12-14-2020 10:55 AM)
Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs
How long does it take to get a Full Refund under warranty? Samsung Q60T 65 inch

^Check out the original post I made due to Samsung blatantly refusing to handle my case, it's Unbelievable.



The quality of service with Samsung is absolutely ridiculous, I seriously cannot believe this company is still relevant today when they do this to every single one of their customers they shaft over with product defects. If you try to just minimize this into just oh it's not a big deal have some patience, that just doesn't work in this context and it's starting to get hard for the reps to imply.


I started a WARRANTY Claim on September 23rd. Representatives gave me bad info and seemingly refused to attach my required documents to my ticket once I had them, on at least 5 occurances representatives told me that they couldn't check a email in the department they are responsible for so they had me send a SMS picture of the receipt PDF and serial decal from the TV directly to their phone for them to attach.

All of those cases they did not attach my info, I know I have talked to the same support team members a couple of times because I have had to call so many times it's probably about 20-30 calls by now back and forth. Samsung representatives continue mishandle my case.


Now it seems that I am finally going to be refunded in FEBRUARY judging by how long they're still wheeling me along. I called today to see what's going on only for the representative to give me the same generic customer service lines she says to everyone claiming that now it's out of Samsung's hands for the moment and that Samsung is handling it as 'quick as possible', 'it's the trucking company that is now causing the delay' even though they failed to notify the trucking company until 12/10/20. I don't know how you can deny that Samsung is causing delays while also informing me that Samsung took this long to notify their trucking handlers, unless you're not doing your job and you're just spouting the same generic "Oh we care about your business".  It's absolutely hilarious the blatant lies they tell their customers to try to get them off the line.


I have treated this case with the utmost amount of time, patience, and consideration, and it has gotten me nowhere. I do not and should not have to bend through these hoops or have to be unreasonably calm while considering how low of a priority this clearly is to Samsung in order to be likely to receive my rightly due refund, I am shocked that Samsung does not handle even the highest priority cases like WARRANTY refunds with minimal importance.


I called Samsung today to see where the process is at, Trucking company finally notified on 12/10/20 2 weeks after I talked to someone from the refund team directly that should have been handling this promptly, that's how it works when you miss a bunch of deadlines for the work you're supposed to get done right?  The 'support' representative just gave me the same old generic lines about the trucking company and urged I should be patient and also incredibly insulted me on the phone it was actually pretty rude- I was trying to get information about the trucking company exchange, she was explaining the process that in 10-24 business days (YEP FROM THIS POINT) the trucking company will contact me to pick up the TV and that I will have to get a sort of receipt from the team that picks it up officially stating that they have received the TV, (at least it doesn't sound like I'm responsible for the TV after they start physically handling it, I was expecting that) So I'm just supposed to call Samsung right after I receive that piece of paper, just to clarify ---  this random trucking company is going to come to my house to take my TV for Samsung, I'm supposed to get a piece of paper from the trucking company that just says that they picked up a unit and then call Samsung and hope and pray that they actually refund me AND THEN 10-24 business days from THAT point I might receive my refund. Meanwhile the sales representatives are telling me that 'delays can happen' and that I should 'have patience with the process as they have completed refund processes before, Samsung is taking care of the request as quick as possible', I mentioned that I saw someone on Samsung forums had been doing this warranty process and that Samsung just stopped contacting them, the guy is shafted because he already gave up the TV, she was implying that I'm stupid with no cap or measurement to the insult because 'there is just so much information online you don't know if you're reading the truth' when there are many many other complaints just like this and that one, and just like Samsung is deciding not to contact me which Samsung has already done to me multiple times, how am I supposed to trust this corporation like that after the quality and of how little service I have actually gotten? 

I'm really supposed to just hand over any collateral I have in this case after how unprofessional it has been, feels like I'm dealing with a scam artist and I've had to deal with ones who thought they were good. Seems blatantly like they are trying to disarm me so they can just say later "No sorry Samsung takes care of all of their claims" and it becomes a scenario where I'm just some guy vs the big Samsung corporation, who's going to believe who's word?


This entire process has to be a joke, it seriously does have to be. Just give me my money back, you have accumulated already half a year of interest on my money and I am convinced that you just do this to every single one of your customers to keep the business afloat.


Now from this point in the process I am supposed to just give my TV to some trucking company that says they work for Samsung only to be given a piece of paper that says they picked up the TV? What if Samsung decides to just never contact me again? And even if they don't screw me over there it's going to be a month until the trucking company finally picks it up, and then from that point it's going to be another additional 10-24 business days that they keep telling me it is going to take longer each time I call when they're leading me to believe there are no extra steps and it will be resolved. This is such a joke, I cannot contain my laughter.


Here's what I posted to their twitter today.


Received your "how would you like your refund" email October 23rd. Just called because you aren't contacting me to update me. The trucking company still wasn't notified until 12/10/20 when someone should have taken care of this in October. Month delays each time.


3 months later, and you keep gaslighting me. Still not reimbursed yet, really Samsung Trucking company notified 2 weeks after I talked to someone, Seriously Sounds like in February you're finally gonna pick up your broken TV then a month after I'll get a refund.


I am absolutely amazed at your Warranty process. Each time I called and dealt with the headache, you acted like I was going to be refunded in the next couple of weeks. Are you going to at least pay me minimum wage for the hours I've spent and wasted on the phone


Your rep today tried to convince me I'm not being patient enough or understanding each time there could be a delay but I guess I'm not understanding when I don't get a call for a month from you to find out you put my WARRANTY ticket in a cancelled state among other things.


I honestly cannot treat your employees with any regard of respect anymore, you all know what's going on and you know how bad you shaft your customers.






That's a great scam Samsung! You're as terrible as banks! Except instead of you owing the bank money, they owe you money except they get to keep the extra money they earn owing you!

 Conman of the year award goes to a Corporation, what do you know. Really miss the old you Samsung, you really let yourself go! 😞

---Sell people faulty products and don't refund them until 5-7 months after so you can collect half a years worth of interest on a majority of your sales, ---Make sure the case takes at least 3 months to ensure 3 months interest are ready to collect! ---Constantly appear to be on top of their case handling it while you mess up their information so you'll have a better case in court!

Sounds like a dream for a lawyer with a notebook doesn't it? Let's just say it'll make Marbury Vs. Madison in 1803 look like a joke.


4 Replies
Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

It should not take A YEAR to receive a refund, I am so tired of being told that you're handling my case when it is clear that you are not. This already sounds illegal. The process that you force your customers through is specifically built to generate money, with little to no risk.  


I just looked at my Email and you clowns made another transaction request ticket, you're keeping me in a loop and refusing to take care of my case!


QLED and The Frame TVs
same here on things. its selfishness and money.
Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

I'm amazed- at how amazed I am by Samsung's terrible service.

Cosmic Ray
QLED and The Frame TVs

Today is January 6th 2021, Samsung has finally processed my refund and the money is in my account. I started my process on September 23rd 2020, it has taken nearly 4 months to get a refund but I am happy now that Samsung has made it right by returning my money.


Though it took kind of a long time for Samsung to make it right, they were quick to action once people in charge found out that my request wasn't being handled.


At the end of the day it may have just been a error. It seems that it was a matter of contacting the right people, I implore that you continue to reach out to Samsung as much as possible if your case isn't being handled in order to get people notified that take care of these things, sometimes it seems there are mistakes that the direct support team makes and it may be up to you to press into it.
