Original topic:

Samsung not honoring warranty

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
QLED and The Frame TVs

My tv died over a month ago. At first, the delays seemed reasonable (making sure the tv couldn't be fixed, that it wasn't user-error, etc). The claim was accepted. Three weeks ago, I got a message that the replacement would be sent in 2 days, then later messages said in 7-10 days, then I got a phone call asking me if the replacement had been sent - and telling me it was ok that it hadn't been. (???) It's been three weeks since my claim was approved and, except for random communications that contradict each other, no word from Samsung. 

I haven't figured out how to get through to an actual person who could resolve the issue. Phone calls result in voicemail messages that all's in order followed by a text (which I requested not to receive) resetting the 7-10 window in which I can expect to hear back. I have many Samsung products, but this is my first warranty claim. Frankly, I'm surprised. I expected better.

4 Replies
QLED and The Frame TVs

Why did you STOP the texts? Re: the "phone call asking me if the replacement had been sent..." have you tried calling that number back? It does sound as if they lost track of the shipment, in which case I wouldn't give up hope just yet!

QLED and The Frame TVs

The voicemails are what I get when I call them. Calling back the numbers I receive texts from gives a message that the number "is vacant." I love your optimism, but Samsung has clearly designed a system that doesn't allow customers to contact them. It doesn't bode well.

Black Hole
QLED and The Frame TVs
Just my thoughts they should of gave a claim or case number which ever they use anyway and a eta on the replacement being shipped I would think email sent also stating this
Cosmic Ray

This is crazy. And the more posts I read on here, the more I see people frustrated with Samsung non human support!! Did you order your tv directly through the Samsung website? If not maybe the retailer you purchased it through can at least get you contact info to a live person? 

if not, and this is a long shot, but maybe reach out rtings.com or Caleb at digital trends to see if they can assist in any way? Even fomo or another YouTuber who has real live contact With Samsung reps in the field could offer assistance? Just a thought