Original topic:

[Feedback] Call and Text on Other Devices - Phone Calls policy

(Topic created: 06-29-2024 01:53 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services

Heyo everyone!

I've been using Samsung for a couple of years now but I noticed last year that Samsung only allows phone calls to be routed on tablets if it's on the same WiFi network as the phone is. I used to have a Galaxy Note8 and when I was using the feature I could be on cellular data while my tablets on the same WiFi network can make calls using the CMC function. I'm not sure why Samsung made the change and it doesn't make sense to be honest; sometimes my phone can't use WiFi while my tablets can and yet I'm not able to make phone calls when my phone is on cellular data. You're able to do that with Apple phones though; I get it they're a FAANG company (big five tech giants in the US), why can't Samsung do the same?
4 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Policy is set by your carrier not Samsung.
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
I have an unlocked S22 Ultra so it should not be affected too heavily by the carrier.

I was on Visible wireless this year but last year had Mint Mobile, and it was the same result like I highlighted in my original post.
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
Hi everyone! This is a followup to a post I made in late June about an issue I had with Call and Text on Other Devices (https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Samsung-Apps-and-Services/Feedback-Call-and-Text-on-Other-Device...). I saw that Samsung followed up by updating the app, but as I read through my original post I miscommunicated my problem. Sorry Samsung mods!

My original issue was why I have to have my phone and tablet on the same Wi-Fi network. I thought this was a huge hassle because sometimes the WiFi is really bad for my phone, so instead, I connect to cellular service and turn off my WiFi. However, I cannot make calls on my tablet (connected to wifi) when I do this. It's more of a hassle because in the past, I can make calls on my phone when it is only connected to cellular networks (WiFi OFF) while my tablet is on a WiFi network. Now I can't do this and I always have to have my wifi turned on for my phone and tablet. I was wondering whether this can be changed where my phone is on a different WiFi network than my tablet or on cellular data only and I can make calls on my tablet regardless, the only constraint being that both devices are signed in to the same Samsung account. 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello BJS03, Welcome to the Community, and thank you for pointing out this requirement for the feature. The change was implemented in version 3.3.00. You can find out more about the feature here: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS10001614/

We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

We also recommend submitting the feedback in the Members app using the Error Report function. https://www.samsung.com/ae/support/mobile-devices/raising-an-error-report-via-samsung-members-app
