Original topic:

Unauthorized actions are detected on the device, Accessing the device is blocked due to the security reason.

(Topic created: 07-29-2023 05:26 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Unauthorized actiones are detected on the device, Accesing the device is blocked due to the security reason. please assist with unlocking the device or a resolution 

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello David-120_, thank you for posting. Welcome to the Samsung Community. There are things you can do if you notice an unknown sign-in or hack to your Samsung Account. 
Here is how to check if there are unauthorized activity from mobile devices. 
Step 1. Go to device settings and tap your Samsung account profile.
Step 2. Tap “Devices” to check if there is any action in your account that you did not authorize.
If your account was accessed without your consent please enhance your security. Add a Two-step verification. 

For information on what to do if there is unknown sign-in activity or hacking in your Samsung account please visit the following website: https://www.samsung.com/ph/support/apps-services/-what-to-do-if-an-unknown-sign-in-or-hacking-attemp...