Original topic:

Should water be filled up or seen on any cycle on FlexWasher?

(Topic created: 04-14-2021 12:07 PM)
Washers and Dryers

Hi guys,

I'm asking this as a rhetorical but serious question because I just got a new Flexwash Washer and no matter which cycle or soil I choose water is shown running inside the glass on the door but doesn't fill up in the drum. Whatever amount of clothes or cycle I choose, the same thing happens. Water runs across the glass, drum spins, clothes gets wet and the wash cycle begins. There's no visible amount of water or soap suds seen in the whole washing process. I watched the whole cycles as I tried to find one that actually worked like a washer should. I've never seen this in a washer and it's very weird so I'm asking of anyone else has seen this.

I reported to Samsung and the tech came today and after troubleshooting had to change the motherboard and said it was fixed. After he left, I did test washes and still the same thing is happening.

I noticed there's this big drive for "high efficiency" appliances but if high efficiency doesn't mean high equality and and having to wash smaller amounts over multiple loads then it's not efficient to me. We should have options to amount of water used for washing.

I'm asking for feedback as I try to figure out what's going on and how to address this. 

Thank You,

~Brett A. Scudder

1 Solution

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Washers and Dryers

Hello! I definitely understand your concern with your washer. Flexwashers are our newest model of washers. With that being said this special unit is more modern because of its features and technology it uses to run a cycle. I know older models of washers we're used to seeing the suds in the tub and that alone makes us feel as the clothes are getting cleaner. Sometimes the suds can actually cause a lot of problems within the washer. For example, Causing leaks and it makes the washer work harder to get rid of the suds in the washer. with the flex washer, it uses a power foam meaning it mixes and optimizes your HE deteregent with air, so that way the detergent can penetrate deep into the items in the washer. Below is a link with more information about the flex washer: 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Washers and Dryers

Hello! I definitely understand your concern with your washer. Flexwashers are our newest model of washers. With that being said this special unit is more modern because of its features and technology it uses to run a cycle. I know older models of washers we're used to seeing the suds in the tub and that alone makes us feel as the clothes are getting cleaner. Sometimes the suds can actually cause a lot of problems within the washer. For example, Causing leaks and it makes the washer work harder to get rid of the suds in the washer. with the flex washer, it uses a power foam meaning it mixes and optimizes your HE deteregent with air, so that way the detergent can penetrate deep into the items in the washer. Below is a link with more information about the flex washer: 



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Washers and Dryers


I hear and understand what you're saying, but that logic doesn't work for everyone, especially when the clothes still smells like they were just wet but not washed. As I said, high efficiency without quality or effective results is useless. I need to see water and suds in the drum while clothes is being washed whether the manufacturer believes that it is needed. Even the rinse and spin option doesn't have enough water to properly rinse the clothes. Hos insane is that.  At the end of the day, a washer is supposed to not just wash but wash properly. I guess we can just consider Samsung's washer efficient but ineffective if that makes you feel better.

Thank You.
