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Feedback about adapters being included in the box again

(Topic created: 06-04-2024 06:30 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

The power adapters need to be included in the box again.It's impacting a lot of customers and a lot of customers are facing difficult times trying to purchase the adapters.Please do this and please offfer me a free adapter free of charge shipped to my houseThe power adapters need to be included in the box again.It's impacting a lot of customers and a lot of customers are facing difficult times trying to purchase the adapters.

9 Replies
Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile
Personally, I think they should have packaging options with and without the chargers. They could discount w/o charger or add a small price increase for with. Some people just don't need any more chargers and the planet doesn't need any more e-waste. Stores can also offer an option to trade in an old charger for the newer one. Win/win-old charger gets recycled, new phone owners get a new charger.
A Series & Other Mobile
I agree
Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

@realaud @justin100  What if the price with charger was about $20 more, wouldn't it be the same to order one when you're ordering your phone, if you need it? If this is the solution, then it seems like a non-issue, to me.

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Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile

I'm actually a fan of the bring one/get one model. But, yes, you are right, one can just order a charger when they order their phone if they need one.  However, some people just don't know the chargers are not included, and for those that do and don't need a charger, a discount on the no charger included package would be in order.

A Series & Other Mobile

I personally despised having chargers bundled - it started with those stupid little Apple cubes cluttering up a drawer.

PD chargers are cheap, and they aren't tied to any brand, so you can choose your price and quality instead of having it thrust upon you.

Offer in shop - if the price for phone 180 then charger 20 but when buying a phone, offer to throw in the charger for 15.

Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

@realaud I see. Yeah, it's a good point. Maybe an option to add a charger to the purchase could be added in the check-out process. Yes, there is a page offering all kinds of different accessories between picking a phone step and the actual cart, but for people who might not be aware of the fact a charging brick is not in the box, they could include a page or at least a banner asking if a customer wants to add a charged (with a fine print explaining it doesn't come with one in the box)

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Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile
Don't forget, though, there a a lot of people that purchase from third parties, like Amazon, best buy, or their carriers--they should also let people know the charger is not included and offer a purchase option. I dont think it should be fine print, though. I think it should be larger (or at least bolder) text stating clearly that a charger is not included.
Community Manager
Community Manager
A Series & Other Mobile

Hello justin100,
Thank you for your interest in sharing your ideas with Samsung.  Welcome to the Samsung Community. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

A Series & Other Mobile

I strongly disagree with this statement... Chargers are not a 'one size fits all' item - and I'm quite happy with the minimal package with a fairly decent quality USB-C to USB-C cable...

I DO think it would be better if the cable were also useable with 'standard' USB outlets for use with non-PD chargers - just a cheap adapter could be added to the cable for that.

The idea that ANYTHING (including the box) is free is frankly ridiculous.

I previously owned an iphone SE (first generation) and my son has an i13 - so we have two PD chargers in the house already...

I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't already have some chargers around the house or at least ONE decent charger...

One of ours was original apple (packaged with the iPad) and the other was equivalent to $8 at a local DIY store - and works exactly as expected.

I bought this phone (Galaxy A15) as a compromise - as hard times are indeed upon us - and by dropping some things - like camera quality, operating system stability, an extra charger, waterproofing, 5G - I was able to get a great panel at a really bargain price in a phone that doesn't look like a poor man's phone. Compared to the iphoneSE, if I use the A15 for 2 years, it paid for itself.

So no, Chargers should be sold at a reasonable price to compete with the market (unlike Apple's ecosystem) and they should NOT be included any more than useless earbuds (I never used any earphone included with any phone).