Original topic:

2nd hand Z Fold3: trouble with calls and blank screen, seem cracking

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Fold & Flip Phones

I have had this phone (which I have really liked) for a while now.

I got it second hand and paid to have the folding screen replaced and it is showing cracks in the seam recently.  I don't believe it has even been a year since the screen was replaced- at my expense.

Worse than this is that the last two updates have made a mess of my phone.

Two updates ago something rearranged the text message menu buttons to the degree that I wasted HOURS trying to get the voice to text button to reappear, and when I finally succeeded in getting it back it is in a place so inconvenient that it is a nuisance to use, greatly diminishing the usefulness of this thing for communicating.

As of this most recent update I open the phone to a blank screen which will not do anything until I have rebooted it.

Just now I have recieved a call from someone twice and the phone will not function properly.

I called back and it rang once and then stopped although it still showed Calling...

And I have 5 bars of 5G UC where I am sitting in my house.

I have been a happy Samsung customer for over 15 years now.

I will never buy an Apple product but the frustration and waste of time this is coming to be is close to causing me to abandon these for something else.

I DO NOT have the time to squander on repeatedly fixing things that these updates screw up or rearrange.

I woulx rather use a 20 year old flip phone at this rate.

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