Original topic:

Google VPN greyed out

(Topic created: Saturday)
Galaxy S23

Has anyone noticed anything with STRANGE Google VPN ? I know they were phasing it out or something soon. But right now the button, which I turn on and off frequently because of interference, is GREYED OUT. In other words, it's NOT ON OR OFF, and I can't tap it to either one- it's just a dim "on" glow. It's the weirdest thing. Cleared cache, reboot, played with other stuff, etc... still the same. 

8 Replies
Galaxy S23
Google One VPN shut down I read but pixel owners can still access it. I read people were facing issues with prime video and it said Google is to blamefor that
Galaxy S23
Yes, thank you. As I'm one to not let it go, I've been on this thing since I posted trying to get to the bottom of it. I knew they were phasing it out, but I didn't know exactly when. Here it is- just 2 days ago! It's replaced with some kind of "safe browsing. " It also looks like Google is favoring their own products- Google Fi. 1719160880506_1719160880497_0.jpg
Galaxy S23
The crummy thing of it is, I purchased Google One VPN @ $20 a year SPECIFICALLY for the VPN because I couldn't find a free one and I use Google so it made sense. The fact that I got 100G of storage space was an added benefit. I don't really need it, so now my own personal benefit is useless without VPN. Oh, well.
Galaxy S23
My a54 has built in VPN but is 2 dollars a month for subscription. Microsoft defender is free. I never even knew Google had VPN but know about their dns everyone can use but know little about that.
Galaxy S23
Thank you. I'm looking into defender. For then moment I have a question about Samsung "secure Wi-Fi". Like what it is and what it is not. I threw that question out there before I remembered about your suggestion to me of defender. Is this Samsung secure Wi-Fi an actual VPN? The description they give sounds like it is but if it were a VPN why wouldn't they call it that. That's all that gave me pause. I'm just worried about doing any kind of money transactions like at a gas station store, or pay bills in my car or a burger at McDonald's. You know stuff like that
Galaxy S23
Both are beneficial. Samsung built in wifi offers a plan and gives a detailed description. See attached photo. Microsoft is good as well, I notice Microsoft protects on data alone, as well as wifi and data simultaneously. They offer an identity protection program as well. Microsoft says VPN in the settings to turn on. Samsung offers secure wifi, but I'm not sure which is better for your needs. I'm a bit confused about VPN in general. Maybe someone will chime in.i pay monthly for Microsoft one drive, so maybe it's free for users. I haven't really checked. See photos for Microsoft. If you have it built in your phone I would opt for that, I use Microsoft for everything so it benefits me. If I did not have Microsoft I would opt for the built in version at 2usd a month if you reach the cap. See my post about VPNs it was very informative
Galaxy S23
Thank you for this info. Just a few more ? 's if I can. I saw on defender in play store and I think it said options at $6.99-$99 per item. I'm only using my phone for everything. Although I have cable TV with a Wi-Fi that I pay for, I haven't hooked it in yet, I'm embarrassed to say, and so I'm using the free unsecured Wi-Fi in my RV Park but even if I used my own secured connect (which I eventually will), I use public Wi-Fi for some transactions. Doesn't VPN keep money transactions secure separate from using data? I think if using data to connect that that's secure because no one can hack into data, or can they? I don't fully understand VPN.

But also does defender free version have ample VPN protection in and of itself, or do I need to purchase at least the 6.99? Reading about apps only confuse me, so if you know if the free version is acceptable, I will likely just go with the 2 a month (24 for the year) Samsung VPN and call it a day. I'm sorry I didn't want to complicate things, I just want to truly be safe from prying eyes
Galaxy S23
Just noticed this on the Samsung built in VPN that it is not compatible with Samsung wallet and, best buy, as well as some other apps I have. I checked this by going to App settings/secure wifi/protected apps and it will show what apps are and are not protected. I never use wallet but like the password storage it offers and I'm wondering why it wouldn't protect the wallet?