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Custom text message notifications

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

This shouldn't be that hard!!šŸ˜«

I'm having such a hard time setting custom notification/text message tones for specific contacts. When im in the messages app (samsung messages) I can only change someone's text tone if I already have a message thread going with them. I'm not able to just go into their contact info and add a custom text tone or custom ringtone anymore. I recently just switched back to samsung from iphone, and I remember years ago when I had samsung before the iphone, you were able to go to the contact and add the custom ringtone and text tone there. Is that not a thing anymore?

When I try to start a text message with someone, just so i can add a custom text message tone to that contact, I can see the options, but I'm not able to click on them because they're grayed out or whatever (see photo). And I also just read a few minutes ago, that if your messages delete with that person, the custom text tone you set for them goes away?? If thats the case im going to be sooo **bleep**g annoyedšŸ˜­ i just spent so much time downloading text tones and setting them for each specific contact, which I was only able to do because I had recent texts with them.

 Does anyone know if there's a more permanent way to keep the custom text tones?? And if there's another way to set a text tone for a contact that I have no recent texts with? I also don't want to get a new messaging app because I want the theme that I'm using to also apply to the messaging app. And I know Google messages (I used Google messages first before I switched to samsung messages) doesn't do that where the theme applies to the messaging app as well. That's why I switched from google messages to samsung messages. Ughhh. It seems like you can't have it all, can youšŸ˜…šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€:female_sign: like I have to pick and choose or something!?! I'm really hoping that's not the case. It's **bleep**g samsung man! I thought they could literally do anything almost lol. 
Anyways, any advice would be much appreciated! tia.


11 Replies
Galaxy S24

I just tried going through contacts app, and you have to click on the messages icon (using Google messages on my S24U). You can then set the notification tone for text messages, but like OP says if you delete that text message thread then the notification tone goes back to the default. Would almost be better if the same notification sound was used for ringtone and text notification.

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Active4
Galaxy S24
Me too. It used to be easier to apply my own ringtone from my media to my messages. Now I cannot find this setting anywhere.