Original topic:

Delete watch notifications

(Topic created: Thursday)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I want to keep one notification, but delete the rest on my gw6. Is that possible, and how? Ty
13 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@Haybound If you read the notifications or clear the notifications on your watch, they will be cleared on your watch. 

Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@realaud When you swipe right to see the notification, you can then swipe up to remove that notification. If you encounter a notification that you want to keep, you don't swipe up. You won't be able to see earlier notifications until you delete that one.   [Edit] see other post by @realaud  about rotating the bezel to see earlier notifications.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
It must work differently for me then. I can look at my notifications in any order by rotating around the bezel and dismiss the ones I don't want to see. I assumed it worked that way for everyone. Had it that way on the watch 2 and now the watch 4.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@realaud "I can look at my notifications in any order by rotating around the bezel and dismiss the ones I don't want to see. "

This is why I come to the discussion group! Thank you for teaching me something about my Watch that I had never known! 

Indeed you can swipe around the bezel to rotate through the notifications. Swipe up to remove the ones you don't care about and ignore the ones that you want to keep... at least until you check them on your phone.