Original topic:

Galaxy Watch series not counting floors

(Topic created: 09-21-2018 07:34 AM)
Galaxy Watch

I've had the Galaxy watch for about a day now, and it's only registered 1 floor.  I've probably done 25-30.  My house floors are more than the 10 feet it says it needs to count a floor.  I'm not sure if this is an issue with the hardware, or the software.  Is anyone else having an issue? 

229 Replies
Galaxy Watch

A year of begging a fix for steps, floors, HR, sleep and Samsung is still playing the  'send me the make, model blag blah blah' game. Seriously? The watch should come with a warning: do not purchase. Pretty but worthless tech and support fixes.'  My purchase plans for all samsung home appliances and their associated apps/remote functions found the trash can.

Galaxy Watch

I just got my Galaxy watch for Christmas and like most of you mine also is not working which is too bad.  I picked this watch thinking it would be an improvement over my fitbit (I had the Blaze and had three of them stop taking a charge within a span of 2 years - the second one only lasted 2 months).  While the fitbit sometimes overcounted floors, at least it was accurate 98% of the time.  I have been tracking this manually since the beginning of January and it has never been even close to accurate.  Since I bought this to track my fitness (steps, stairs, heartrate) I wish I would have known about this issue (and read all your comments) first - I probably wouldn't have purchased it.  I also completely missed that it does not track miles walked - big miss on my part. 

Galaxy Watch

To the community,

 I have various Samsung trackers for over 3 years now.  First the Gear Fit, then the Gear Fit2.  During this time Ive owed, a Samusung S5, S7, and S8.

The problems are not being fixed properly and will contiunue to reoccur.   Samsung has no grasp on how to properly fix the issues once and for all.  Resetting the app, clearing the cache, uninstalling and reinstalling are all momentary fixes.  The issues will continue to reoccur until the underlying problems are resolved. 

Samsung's #1 priority is proft and market share.  Dotn beleive that, look how quickly they released their products in repsonce to Apples products.  The only goal they have is collecting revenue.   Quality of product and pride in product come 2nd to market share.  Samsung is more interested in releasing new products than they are interested in refining existing prodcuts. 

Your only hope with Samsung is that they release a new product that has the issues remedied.  All Samsung will ever do for you is ask for a bunch of information on your product, and then advise a nonsense fix, that at the end of the day will only temporarily resovle the problem.  You'll notice their first responce in most circumstances is to question your ability to use the prodcut.


During the time ive been usign the app and trackers, the step counter has faulted on a monthly basis.  The floor counter hasnt worked as advertised since day 1, and I have no hope that Samsung will be remedying that since the problem has been on going for years, accross multiple products, without a competent fix.    


If interested, Google the issues you have with the step and floor tracker.  What do you find?  You'll find countless results showing the same issues with others.  In addition, look at when the issues arose.  You'll find that from user to user, the same issues have been going on since the products inception.


In short you must accept the short comings of the products, as the mfg is unable/unwilling to invest in resolving them.


This is coming from a Samsung fan.  Ive invested in their cell phone, trackers, TV, home computers, appliances and AV systems.   Im not bitter, and will likely remain a cusotmer, im just trying to give you an honest expectation of the product support.

Galaxy Watch

is it a hill? height difference from the stairs to the car?

Galaxy Watch

I have owned a Gear Fit 2, Gear Fit 2 Pro and now the Galaxy Watch.  I've had this problem with all 3 and I have never been able to resolve it.   I gave up trying.

Galaxy Watch
This is a long-standing issue that apparently permeates across all of Samsung's watches. It is not specific to one watch or the settings of that watch. It also has nothing to do with what type of phone you connect your watch to (the favorite question of the Samsung Mod's who "try" to help with this issue). It's a core flaw. If you've got the time, there are plenty of posts about this https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Wearable-Tech/Gear-S3-not-Counting-Floors/m-p/65970/highlight/tr... https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/forums/v3_1/forumtopicpage/board-id/wearabletech/highlight/false... https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Wearable-Tech/Gear-S3-not-Counting-Floors/m-p/65970/highlight/tr... https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Other-Mobile-Devices/Gear-S3-Inaccurate-Floor-Count/m-p/234331/h...
Galaxy Watch

Would just like to add my name to the list of watches that don't count floors properly. I have large staircases at work that should be easy to capture, but it's very unreliable. 


I have turned off the rowing/elliptical exercise detection and will see if this improves things. 

Galaxy Watch

I too and having a problem with the watch not recording floors. This problem has been noted for a few months now. When will Samsung correct the problem?

Galaxy Watch

I have a Samsung Note 8 and bought the Samsung Galaxy Watch 42mm at Costco. I have the same problem. It will not count floors and the battery is down to 25 %. It was at 100% this morning. 

Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Galaxy Watch

Could you please provide me with the full model code, baseband version, Bluetooth or LTE, the device the watch is pair with, the android version, and the discrepancy amount?

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

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