Original topic:

Galaxy watch 6 series battery drain on Bluetooth and LTE devices

(Topic created: 08-11-2023 12:09 PM)
Galaxy Watch


I have been using the watch for three days now; below is my first impression:

  • The watch was fully charged and kept off for one day; the battery was 75% when turned on. Weirdly, it will drain even if it is off.
  • First day of use, always on display off, adaptive brightness active, the battery lasts for 8 hours.
  • Today, I took the watch from the charger, which was 100% at 7:30 am; now it is 11:00 am, and the battery is 83%. The clock shows that the battery's remaining life is  10:33 hours. 

Is this normal? Is anyone facing the same? 

Galaxy Watch

I have been carefully watching my Watch6 Classic LTE battery life, and so far, it's not too bad.  Not as good as the Watch5 Pro LTE.

As an example of my Watch6 battery drain:

1.  I always set my screen to be off (i.e. Always-On = Disabled).  The only tiem the screen comes on is when I tapped the screen. (this is a feature setting).

2.  Use one of the standard built-in watch faces. 

3.  I keep my gps, lte, bluetooth and wifi - all enabled. (btw: for some of those settings, be sure to select "only while using the app").

4.  Uninstall some of the built-in junk apps you don't need.

5.  Snore detection, heartrate and temperature are all enabled.

Battery fully charged, went to bed, then woke up exactly eight hours later.  Battery was at 90%.

So, I am not seeing any excessive battery drain like you see. 

Not sure if you have done this yet, but in the Wearable app, it will tell you what apps are consuming the most battery.  If that doesn't help, start turning off settings to see what is draining your battery.

Hope this helps.

Update:  8/11/23:

Over the next 16 hours, I had my watch on the table, and later on my wrist doing daily things.  Still, i keep my display off until I tap the screen.

The battery level went from 90 to 66%.

So, over a full 24 hour period, I went from 100% to 66%.  This should give people a general idea of battery life after 24 hours.   If you need to conserve more, just turn off unused options (wifi, bluetooth, health sensors..etc). 


Galaxy Watch

Rich information,  Thanks for your suggestions, will try it 

Galaxy Watch
Hopefully this posts finds everyone well,

A lot of people have received their watches yesterday and many more will receive their watches today..I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about the battery life. Before you return it, just know that the watch takes about 3 to 4 days for it to learn your usage pattern which does affect the battery. I just wanted to let everyone know before they make the decision to return the watch because of it
Galaxy Watch
Can attest to this... Upgrading from the Watch 4 40mm to Watch 6 44mm and while the battery life is marginally better a day in, I know that it will get better within the week. Happened when I upgraded from Watch3 to Watch 4. Give it time y'all!!! If it really is bad, Samsung gives you a good window for returning.
Galaxy Watch
I think it will only take until it gets better....or it can just get really worse
Galaxy Watch
I got my watch pro 5 last year and have never worried about the battery life because it is phenomenal.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Hopefully they will release an update too. Security still on June 1 and we almost in mid August? Hopefully it will make battery life better.
Galaxy Watch
First day especially with watch set- up is a battery drainer.
Once that first bit is done, and you recharge the watch, you should begin seeing improvement.
For me, W6 40mm, second day only used 40%, but I tend not to use constant, or frequently on, apps. Also, I've noticed how bright this screen is, so I've turned down brightness significantly... let's see how day 3-4 goes.

I've had every iteration from Gear Sport onwards, and the first few days with each watch would get improvements over day 1 with them.
Galaxy Watch
Is anybody else having issues with their watch 6 battery? I have a watch 6 LTE and I have tried everything including power saving but the battery doesnt last a few hours. Even when its off it loses power. 
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Go to the wearable app, settings, device care and battery, diagnostics, it will prompt you to download a plug in for your phone, you should see it installing in the Members app.
When you see connected devices your watch should be there, follow the prompts, go straight to Battery and test it.
If there is a problem with the battery