Original topic:

Hard fall detection not triggered

(Topic created: 02-11-2023 02:34 PM)
Galaxy Watch

I just stepped out onto the driveway after freezing rain and took a full "just like you would see in a cartoon" fall. I mean, a complete body hard fall. I'm about 2 meters tall and weigh 100kg and hit in complete free-fall. The landing was not a progressive affair, but rather an instantaneous impact across my entire right side. Going to guess i pulled 5+ g. Shocked I didn't break anything. 

Anyway, upon laying there for the better part of a minute to ascertain what did/didn't work on most of my limbs and joints, I extricated myself and came in to bandage my multiple abrasions, and I got to thinking, "shouldn't my wife have gotten a notification?"
Yes my Galaxy Watch 5 Pro was on my wrist. 
Yes my Galaxy Watch 5 Pro is fully updated. 
Yes my Galaxy Watch 5 Pro was configured to detect hard falls
Yes my Galaxy Watch 5 Pro has my wife's up to date contact information supplied in the function's configuration. 
Yes my Galaxy S22 Ultra was on and in my pocket and had a Bluetooth connection to my watch. 
Yes my Galaxy S22 Ultra is running current firmware. 
No, my Galaxy Watch Pro 5 did not send a notification of any kind. Nor is there an indication on my phone to show one was attempted. 
What the actual heck constitutes a hard fall? Dropping out of an airplane?
Yeah, I'm going to live - thanks for asking - but I find it pretty hilarious that no notification was even attempted. 
There is no way what just transpired would not constitute as a "hard fall".
Note to self, do not bother counting on this bit of functionality. 
Not looking for troubleshooting on this, as there is nothing more to check. Just thought I would try out typing this with one left hand, as practice with my right arm in a sling. 
Other than that, love the watch. 
Take care. 


16 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

I've also used the latest diagnostic tool and had set the watch to ALWAYS detect fall and it has NEVERY detected a simulated fall.

Galaxy Watch
Thanks for sharing this man
Galaxy Watch
Glad to see you are OK and can laugh about it. Also appreciate the post because I am prone to falling and was considering turning on the feature (after a hard fall the other day) however didn't due to concerns that the watch may erroneously send notifications while I am very active.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Magie, I suggest that you turn it ON and see if it will call your contact(s). Several years ago I had a friend who fell and it was several hours before she was discovered. By the time she was found the damage could not be repaired and she die within three months.

I've started to explore the Starkey Evolv AI 2400 hearing aids. They claim to have Fall Detection. At this time I don't know how someone is notified.


Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Earlier today I talked to Samsung regarding my Classic 4 BT/LTE watch which I had sent in per their request. Before sending it in I went through a lot of grief to find and send in my purchase receipt to show that my watch should still be under warranty. At that time they agreed and stated that my record had been updated to reflect that the watch was still under warranty.  

The repair center had texted me stating that the watch was not under warranty and it would cost about $135 to repair the watch, the board in the watch was defective. 

When talking to the Samsung tech support today, he gave me a phone number and requested that I text the invoice to him. I did, upon receipt the tech stated that he updated my ticket to reflect the watch was still under warranty and Monday (the next working day for the repair center) would repair my watch. 

I'll have to wait and see if it will be repaired. This has been a real pain to get the watch diagnosed and the repair process working. Last week when I was in the Verizon store the rep I was working with stated that "the watch" must detect a hard fall and actually strike the ground hard. No where can I find such a statement statement on the Samsung site. It is a shame that Samsung has documented this feature so poorly and have not educated their employees or the authorized Verizon store who sell their products. 

Two weeks ago when I went to the Authorized Samsung Repair the tech stated he has no documentation from Samsung stating how fall detection should work or be tested.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Hello, We understand the importance of the hard fall detection feature. If resetting the watch doesn't allow the feature to work properly, service is recommended. You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S. that can do the repair:  http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/ or by calling customer support at 1-800-726-7864.

For assistance outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html

Cosmic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

Just an FYI.  I'm shopping to get my wife a Medical Alert device whi ch includes fall detection.  All of the devices have caveats about fall detection and how it doesn't work all the time..... Hence the button to call 911


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