Original topic:

Samsung Health calorie count

(Topic created: Thursday)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I've reported this and it will probably fall on deaf ears. I'm sure they're getting tired of all the bug reports from me. Calorie counts are horrible on here. I think it has to do with the way things don't sync cleanly between other health apps. 

For example HEVY is what I use to record my weight lifting workouts. It does a wonderful job of recording the workout and my logging my weights and reps. Yesterday's showed 900+ calories burned when I finished. I have HEVY set to sync to Google health and also to automatically put my workout in Strava. 

Samsung Health takes forever to show the workout and when it does it doesn't show the calorie count. I know it did last week but couldn't figure out why it wasn't now. So i dug into the convoluted hot mess that is Google Health Connect and Samsung Health. It is not taking the workout from HEVY to record when it finally shows my workout but from Strava. Which appears is directly connected to Samsung Health and one of only two apps allowed to do so from the options available. I don't want to turn this off as I prefer Samsung's run/walk recordings which then sync over to Strava.

One more bug in the buggiest I've dealt with in a while. And I use to do developer beta test Apple OS releases (MacOS, iOS, WatchOS, TVOS). I can't believe this is what they released to the public. I feel like I'm on a 3rd or 4th beta version. This whole UI7 and wear UI6 feel rushed and definitely not polished with all the issues. I mean low hanging fruit issues that should have been caught before release. I have to question Samsung's QC and UAT strategy. Do they even do integration testing?



6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

Well, if you are not recording your workouts from an app that's officially partnered with Samsung Health, of course there will be a delay in syncing.  Your main app is syncing with Strava and then taking a second hop over from Strava to Samsung Health. It will only sync data that all the apps contain if all apps contain the data in the same format.  So, in essence, you appear to be blaming Samsung for not syncing workouts correctly when you have created a convoluted method over multiple apps.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Not really. I had the same set up in Apple and it worked just fine. I had them all linked and cross linked and didn't have a problem. You'd think Android/Google/Samsung could get this done. I guess it's to much for them to do. Sad really.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

In case you haven't noticed, Samsung is not Apple and their features and apps work differently, as do their partnerships with other vendors.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Yes. I know this. But they are their main competitors. You'd think they'd be able to handle the simple stuff but obviously it's too much for Android and Samsung to handle. I would have thought they had improved since the galaxy III days but I can see they are still the hot mess they were back then.

Don't get me started on everything with the watch and loss connection reset and repair. Also, the backups are a joke. I always have to go in and re do all my permissions, settings, reinstall apps. I've done resets and restores on iPhone, pads, and watches from backups and NEVER had to re do anything. Samsung should be ashamed of themselves.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I just reviewed my past workouts. Samsung Health has correctly recorded my HEVY workouts in the past. So what untested change did someone make that now causes these issues. It wouldn't be so bad if it was only one issue but the sheer number of issues throughout UI7 and health is very sad. This again points to lax QC and UAT standards.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
And today it worked. šŸ¤·ā€:male_sign:1742596720210.jpg