Original topic:

Feature Request: auto sleep and clear cache for apps

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services


It would be great if in order to save our battery; whenever, an app isn't being used, the app can no longer use phone resources, store cache, etc.

Once the app is closed, all cache is automatically deleted and all resource usage is suspended and the app will automatically be put to hibernation until opened.

Now, this has nothing to do with phone permissions because we may want to allow permissions all the time. It has to do with no phone resources being used for closed app.

Now, I do use Paid For Data type apps that needs to use phone resources 24/7 that I allow to be unrestricted in order to make money but other than system apps or certain apps that we use; resources should be restricted to ONLY being used when the app is open by default unless we unrestrict resources usage to stay on.

Also, all cache should be automatically deleted when we turn off or restart our device just like a computer and resources should be suspended when our device is off or idle except for system apps and apps that we choose.

Likewise, for all phones under the s25; we should get a free download just like I suggested in my other post. This includes really old Samsung phones, too.

1 Reply
Samsung Apps and Services

It's basically happens already apps go into sleep and deep sleep mode when they're unused for specific amounts of time. 

However as a phone as a computer and computers only take commands from people it's not going to go and shut applications unless you request them to be closed. 

If you switch your phone into power saver mode it will drastically reduce the number of apps that run concurrently effectively turning off all background apps