Original topic:

Where is "Emergency Info" located on my lock screen?

(Topic created: 01-24-2023 09:17 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services
Hi y'all. So I was wondering where the emergency info is located on my lock screen? I have it set up to where it should be accessible when my screen is locked but I don't see it....heck I don't see it when my screen is unlocked either. I'd like to utilize this emergency function. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated...


1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello @MissMarci, Welcome to the Community! We are so glad you are here! We believe the new Safety and Emergency features are a great addition.

To set up the feature, go to Settings>Safety and Emergency. Here, you can add your medical information and emergency contacts. You can also turn on the Emergency SOS feature and Emergency Sharing.

Once the feature is set up and activated, it is ready to use either by using the emergency call feature on the Lock Screen, or pressing the side button five times.

To see your information from the Lock Screen, you would need to "Wake" the phone (not unlock it). If you have Biometrics setup, you will need to swipe the screen to show the PIN/Password entry screen. Once you do this you will see "Emergency Call". Tapping Emergency Call will show your information. When the screen is unlocked, the information can be found in the Safety and Emergency Settings.