Original topic:

Sensor cover came off on the Galaxy watch line

(Topic created: 09-13-2020 04:53 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

I bought my smartwatch in May 2020. In August 2020 the sensor cover came off. I was able to send it off and have it repaired at no charge.  Today, a month after the warranty expired, I was wiping off the underside of the watch with a damp paper towel before I put it on the charger, and the cover came off. AGAIN. 

I don't mind paying for repair service but the cost estimator says it's going to be $81.  To glue the sensor cover back on. AGAIN. That's about a third of what I paid for the thing.

I don't think so. What a ripoff. I'm irritated and disappointed at what a piece of junk - and what a hassle to deal with - this watch has turned out to be.

442 Replies
Galaxy Watch
I'm wondering what can I do, so my watch's screen is all black even it still vibrates when I get notifications but nothing shows up,  the screen still all black.
I've been using for almost 3 months now and everything was okay until today, no accident no abuse, just like that.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

I will be happy to look into your options. Please send a private message with the full model code and the serial number or IMEI number from the back of the watch. http://bit.ly/2XERsky

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Galaxy Watch

How can I get fixed?

Galaxy Watch
Send it in for service. While you at it get a new battery if its S3 or older.
Galaxy Watch

I had my Galaxy Watch Active2 for about 9 months and absolutely loved it. I have always taken good care of it by removing it before washing my hands and cleaning it off after usage throughout the day. During a hot day at a baseball game I felt vibrations from my watch and look down and could not understand why it was flashing colors. After removing the watch I noticed the back cover over the watch was coming off. I instantly pushed it back on and put the watch in my bag thinking I would minimize damage to it and hope that cooler weather would fasten the glue back into place. Although the cover did manage to reattach itself I experienced massive problems the following days until it was unresponsive completely. I was happy to send the watch back in since it was covered by warranty and was clearly a defect on Samsungs end to only recieve a repair cost $10 shy of ordering a brand new watch. I called Samsung thinking it was clearly an error to find out that somehow it was considered a void of warranty due to water damage. I was completely confused since the watch has never been submerged under water nor to I care to ever take that risk with any watch. My wife on other hand swims on a frequent basis and still has her watch running perfectly. I canceled the repair and hope to possibly try to fix this issue on my own. My family is Samsung all the way and this was the first problem we have ever had with any device. Not sure what to say...never wrote to a thread in my life. Just know if the back falls off...time to move on in this case. 


Galaxy Watch
That's awful! Just know, like you, I haven't had mynwatch for a year and the back sensor came off in June of this year. Samsung fixed it, no charge and the watch worked fine. Then the ECG feature came out & it wouldn't work on my watch. I turned it back in to samsung for repair and they charged me $81 because when they received the watch, apparently the back sensor was off again and the battery was damaged. My watch was in excellent condition when I mailed it to them. I've never dropped it or gotten it wet. For three days Samsung gave me the run around. I would be on hold for 40-45 minutes at a time, they would transfer me to another dept and I'd continue to be on hold for a ridiculous amount of time only to be hung up on. Their customer service was beyond terrible. Eventually I literally broke down out of frustration and paid it. My watch is still in repair with no expected return time. My family made the switch from Apple to Samsung & we got Galaxy phones (Note 😎 and we bought three watches last Christmas. After this, I'm never buying a Samsung product again. They don't stand behind their product, they don't care about their customers, and their wearables aren't made well at all...this whole process has been an frustrating ordeal.
I'm truly sorry you're going through this. Consumers pay a lot for these watches & they should last longer than 9 months.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

We bought two of these watches recently, with a Manufacturer's Warranty until March 2021.


Very disappointed!!! The back cover on one became unglued on its own.


This was NOT due to any action/abuse on our part. It has NEVER been under water, in a shower, a tub, etc. It has simply been worn on a wrist under normal daily activity.


This is clearly a manufacturing defect based upon the ongoing/multiple threads in these user groups:


  1. Galaxy-Watch-Sensor-Cover-Fell-Off 
  2. Galaxy-Watch/Back-sensor-Cover-Fell-Off 


I started a Service Request online in my Samsung Account, only for it to inform me that it will cost $81 to repair in advance.


I understand when Physical Damage is due to the customer's actions.  But under the circumstances, I do NOT believe we should have to pay anything for this type of issue, especially within the Warranty Period.


Samsung needs to do the right thing for their customers!!!

Galaxy Watch

This happened to my watch as well.  I never wore it to swim or put it underwater, but the back still came off.  It does seem to be some sort of design or manufacturing issue.


Galaxy Watch

I have the same problem. I bought my watch 2 months ago and have never had it in water. The watch worked perfectly until the day after the back cover came off. I sent it back to Samsung and they are claiming that the warranty is voided due to water damage. Want to change $215 for the repair. I've called multiple times and am getting nowhere. Clearly, this is a known issue and I find it despicable that they continue to deny this and claim that this is my fault. Shame on them!

Galaxy Watch
Happened to me too today. Sitting on my couch, moved my arm and the sensor plate just fell off. I've never dropped it. I've never gone swimming with it. The most "abuse" it has ever received is simply from washing my hands.