Original topic:

NX58H5600SS Oven Display Panel Shuts Off / SE Error Code.

(Topic created: 05-31-2020 09:05 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

My display panel has been shutting off/throwing an SE code and beeping for months now.  It often resets itself but now I'm at the point where I've had to shut the circuit off overnight because the beeping is at 15-min intervals.  When the display resets itself and the panel works, I can use the oven with no problem. 
I do NOT want to have a repair person in my home during the pandemic (I'm in a state with an extremely high incidence rate).  
Is there a way to shut the SOUND off?  I don't care as much about using the oven right now, but I can't take the beeping.  I'm not capable of moving the oven to unplug it.  Any other solutions/input are greatly appreciated. 
My call to Samsung was VERY frustrating--a guy y (literally) sticking to a script who couldn't offer any real assistance, other than offering to have someone come out.

5 Replies
Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

Take a look at the image below, it might be able to help. (the image came from the user manual on pg 56)






If that doesn't help I recommend reaching back out to us when you are ready to proceed with service.

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Kitchen and Family Hub

Thank you SO much!  I saw this online (for a Canadian model of the oven) but the panel wasn't working so it didn't matter--I couldn't get the buttons to work.  This morning (as it's been doing on/off for months) it decided to show me the clock again, so I just tried it and at least I can stop the incessant noise!  Appliance repair coming tomorrow (of course), but thanks again.

Black Hole
Kitchen and Family Hub

You are so welcome. Feel free to reach back out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Be sure to click " ✓ Accept as Solution" when you find an answer that works for you.

Please note, notification emails are a DO NOT REPLY address, you must log-in on the community page in order to respond.

Kitchen and Family Hub

My biggest concern is that I'm going to have to spend $$$ to replace the display panel on a stove/range that's just under 5 years old.  The crazy part is that when the panel is working, I can turn on the oven and it works fine.

Kitchen and Family Hub

Follow-up is that this worked to turn the sound off (TG), but I had to spend $345 for a new 'membrane' that goes around the display panel.  The stove is 4.5 years old and the repairman said he's done 3 of these in the last 10 days because "they obviously weren't made right originally."  He *thinks* the new one is better made, but also suggested that using the back burners a lot (I don't) could cause the problem because the heat goes right up to the circuit board.  TERRIBLE design, Samsung.
