Original topic:

Disable Auto-Detect and Auto-Switching Features

(Topic created: 06-19-2020 01:54 PM)
QLED and The Frame TVs

FWIW I have Anynet+/CEC disabled already. I have a Q8F (QN55Q8FNB) running firmware 1251 and the user experience is awful. 


I would love the option to:

- Disable automatic detection of HDMI inputs. Please let me set up the inputs how I want and stop clearing my settings whenever I unplug something.

- Disable automatic input switching. I'm capable of switching the input myself, thanks. 
- Disable HDMI device control. Don't turn on my XBox, please. At any time. Ever.

- Disable settings propogation my sound bar. Just because the TV is in Game Mode doesn't mean I want the sound bar in Game Mode as well.

- Give me the option to disable the soundbar control and just output sound to optical. The TV will occasionally "forget" there is a soundbar connected, so the option to disable that entirely would be nice.


If you could just give me this display panel without all of the smart features I'd be a very happy customer.

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QLED and The Frame TVs

Do you have a password or biometric lock on Win10?

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QLED and The Frame TVs

This is not fixed, "Solved!" with the solution being we'll look into it. Still a year later my TV still has more control over itself than I do. I will not be buying another Samsung TV (I have a Q series) again. This TV has many issues with auto detect not correctly detecting devices I plug in. It has control to switch my laptop display settings to the last settings it sometimes remembers, when plugged in with a HDMI it starts other devices plugged in it also does not know how to detect. To stop the auto detect I have to cancel it with the remote and then it will have switched the display input to the last HDMI port that was just triggered during auto detect that it cant register. WHY IS THERE NO OFF BUTTON FOR THIS FEATURE? If you are watching something and plug in a new device the auto detect feature will switch the input over and start detecting for up to a minute before failing and saying unknown while stuck on the newly switched display port and then you must switch manually back to what you were watching or fix the "unknown device". The auto on feature with whatever HDMI input you left the TV on needs a disable option as well. ie The TV gets turned off with HDMI 1 last being used and depending on that device the tv will turn it back on when you power up the TV so then I have to turn off that device maybe have to get up or turn on the remote for that device if its not what I wanted to use. This TV is maybe good for elderly who use TV and a bluray only and have issues switch back and forth between the two. Auto features need options to disable them for issues like this.

QLED and The Frame TVs

This is not a solution. It is an empty "thank you, come again." 

I will never buy another Samsung TV because of this horrid interface constantly "Helping" me with no way for me to tell it to never touch my UI again. One of the most frustrating useless product UI's I have ever experienced.


Then this forum, you try to submit the post and it gives you a "you sure you want to leave this page and lose your data warning." I say no because that seems broken and is an awful inaccurate error... and then it says I'm flooding the channel with replies, then I see my post twice. I delete one and both are gone... jeeesh. I thought Samsung was a top notch tech company. Blew that incorrect notion out of the water today.




QLED and The Frame TVs

Hi guys! I had the same problem with my Samsung TV for a very long time I could not find the answer. here's my solution to this problem disabling this feature. to Why Moderators and a support service could not prompt you before this.perform these presses on the remote in the order of the queue. nothing will be displayed on the screen but the function will turn off.

Mute, Volume down, Channel down, Mute. 

QLED and The Frame TVs

Interesting, this does seem to disable the annoying source detection screen on my TV. BUT it still won't remember the settings for that port, any time the connected PC is turned off or unplugged. So, halfway there! How did you find out about this? And do you know if there's any way to make the TV remember the settings for the HDMI port?

QLED and The Frame TVs

Oh wow! Thank you so much for this!! I have been re-entering names for my HDMI connections for ages (each time I plug something back in etc) and it's such a nuisance. This has solved it. Thank you 🙂

QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks @usercrkWdIlJ30 I'm curious - how did you find this command/shortcut?  I've Googled and Googled and can't find it.  It's amazing though.  Can I ask how you can undo the option should I wish to re-enable it in the future?


Also - are there any other such commands?  Is there is list of them anywhere?  I'd love to know what else is hidden away in these sets



QLED and The Frame TVs

Hi guys,

if you are looking at the source of this buttons combination, I have found the same reported by Samsung here 




QLED and The Frame TVs

Thanks for the tip, have not tested very much, but at least from the first look this solved my issue. If not this, I would not think about buying my next TV Samsung, but after this annoying "feature" I do not think I will buy my next TV from Samsung.

QLED and The Frame TVs

I joined the forum just so I could reply to this - seems to have worked for my Samsung 8 series as well. I'm not sure how you found out this particular sequence of buttons, but it looks to have worked.