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S23 Preorder Feedback ; Trade In deals / Promotion feedback

(Topic created: 02-08-2023 01:20 PM)
Galaxy S23
These are the worst preorder trade-in deals ever. How dare Samsung try forcing us to sign contracts for 36 months with carriers to get the best deals. Gen Mill and Gen Z hate contracts. People need to boycott till they drop the prices for unlocked trade. For the previous s22 and fold and flip 4 models. CLEARLY SOME PEOPLE ARE BRAINWASHED STILL GETTING THEM. Sadly looking for clout as well. How pathetic.
662 Replies
Galaxy S23
I have been using the Samsung Trade-In Program for a few years. With about 6 device trade-ins and my 7th coming soon with my purchase of the new Galaxy S23 Ultra I wanted to share my experience using the Samsung Trade-In Program and offer some tips to help anyone if this is their first time. My first experience with using the Samsung Trade-In Program came back in 2019 with my purchase of the Galaxy Note10+. At that time I had never purchased a device straight from the manufacturer as all my previous mobile devices were from the mobile carrier or I purchased from a third party. Once the Galaxy Note10 Series was available for pre-order on the Shop Samsung App this was my first time knowing about their Trade-In Program which I was extremely excited to see Samsung was willing to give me $600 trade-in value for my Note9 512GB towards a new Note10+. Without this offer from Samsung I would of not been able to afford the device at that time and would of missed out not only on the trade-in offer but also the pre-order credit Samsung offers. In total after finishing my purchase I had saved $800 ($600 trade-in value + $200 pre-order credit towards accessories). Like I had mentioned this was my first experience buying a brand new device from Samsung and I still remember how exciting this experience was for me. I sent in my Galaxy Note9 and that was the beginning of myself using the Samsung Trade-In Program still till this day with it being a very simple process. Below I will give some tips to help make this process as easy as possible. Tho these are my tips I still recommend everyone read and understand all the requirements for Samsung to accept your device trade-in. The requirements for device trade-in must be met or Samsung will not accept the device. Everytime I traded in a device it 100% met the requirements by Samsung and is why each time was a great experience for me.
ā–ŖļøŽMake sure you select the exact device manufacturer and model you are using for the trade-in. Also make sure you select the right condition for the device you are trading in. There are specific requirements for a "Good Condition" device and "Cracked Glass" device. As I stated it is very important to read and understand the specific requirements Samsung accepts for each category.
ā–ŖļøŽWhen you recieve the new device you purchased make sure to save the box and packing material as you will want to use this to send your trade-in device in. The Samsung Trade-In Program will send you a e-mail to welcome you to the program and give you the step by step instructions to how to ship the device you are trading in to them including instructions to print out the shipping label you will need for the Samsung Trade-In Program. I do believe they will also include the specific date (two weeks from the day your new device is delivered) that will be the last day you have to ship the trade-in device to Samsung. It is very important in this time period you transfer all the data from your trade-in device to your new device and make sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase. If there are any issues with the new device you purchased I highly suggest reaching out to Samsung support within your 14 day return period to resolve any issues you may have. You will also recieve a e-mail from the Samsung Trade-In Program a few days before the last day you are able to send your trade-in device in. It is very important to send in your device within the trade-in period or you will be charged the price of the trade-in devices value. 
ā–ŖļøŽNow that you have successfully transfered all your data and are ready to send Samsung your trade-in device you are required to do a factory reset of the device. Make sure you charge the battery to 100% before shipping. It is very important to remove all data from the device and I always do a quick setup to homescreen to make sure once the Samsung Trade-In Program recieves my device that the technician inspecting it can turn boot up the device to the homescreen. Do not set any passwords, just breeze through the setup to homescreen.
ā–ŖļøŽFinally my last tip is to make sure you use plenty of packing material to keep your device safe during shipping. I re-use the same box and packing material my new device came in.

I really enjoyed writing this thread and to hopefully provide some helpful tips for anyone trading in a device for the first time. I am very confident in the Samsung Trade-In Program and by following the easy instructions given and using my helpful tips you will have the same amazing experiences I have had over the years! If you do find my thread helpful I would very much appreciate any questions or comments you may have.

Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23


Excelent post. Thanks for the tips Mark:)

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Galaxy S23
@Geno71, thank you. šŸ˜€šŸ‘Œ
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
Excellent information šŸ‘Œ
Galaxy S23
@user_ams007, appreciate the comment. šŸ˜€šŸ‘
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
Any time !
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
Just a quick note about Trading in your device , if possible take a few pictures of the device showing that the screen is not cracked and is in good shape, in the past some people had issues with damage due to shipping!
Galaxy S23
I video the phone from all angles, powering up, shutting down, placed in its original box, and packaged for shipping. I've never had a trade in issue, but wanted to be prepared - just in case.
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
That is what I recommend, Every thing you did ensures a seamless Trade in, and I hope you enjoy your new device and all of the Samsung ambassadors are here to answer any questions or concerns, I can't wait to use the S23 ultra
Galaxy S23
Does anyone know if you can pre order the phone to get in on the deals but not activate or trade in immediately?